Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Flats and Jobs - Oh Bugger

Right, so, complications.
I agreed with a friend in Moscow that I would move in with her after her flatmate moved out - the only problem being that the current flatmate was moving out in May, and I wouldn't be arriving until September. No problemo, we thought, she knew someone who might want to come and live the summer with them. Except, it turned out that person didn't want to do that.
So they were left with an empty room and extra rent to pay, and nobody to help them pay it. I reluctantly offered to pay if it came to that, since it's kinda my fault that they can't just get a long-term tenant in; although I feel she should have known this might happen when she agreed to let me move in in September. Nobody's fault, really, but I do feel partially responsible which is why I offered to pay.
For a few weeks I heard nothing, so assumed that all was well and they'd found a flatmate for the summer after all. Messaged her yesterday just checking in, and got a reply today saying no, they haven't found anyone. Someone has been there for July, but that didn't pay for the room being empty in June, and it won't cover August either. Her landlady is now demanding the money.
I'm going to borrow it from my parents and wire it over to her, because I don't see another way out of this. I don't want to leave them hanging by saying "ok get a long-term tenant in" and dropping everything; but at the same time, I'm pissed off that it has come to this. It was so simple when we arranged it, and now everyone's so stressed out over it. She and her boyfriend (the 3rd housemate) have had 2 tiring and stressful months trying to find a summer tenant, and I now can't book flights for New Zealand in January because I can't do that *and* send them rent money. Gargh. And most of all, I'm worried that this is going to tarnish our friendship and make living with them awkward. That's the last thing I want/need. Everything was going so swimmingly between us and now, it's all gone understandably tense.

And then, my wonderful job fell through, and I've got to do another one for admittedly similar pay but considerably harder work - nannying a 7-year-old boy rather than a 12-year-old girl. The family also want me to work until 10pm which I cannot understand, because the kid will surely be in bed long before that, so I'm trying to negotiate getting off at 9. I need evenings for rehearsals, and seeing my Russian friends so I can actually learn some Russian! Bloody hell, why did it suddenly get so difficult.

Tempted to just give up emotionally and see this as yet another example of why I shouldn't get my hopes up about anything. But I can't afford to do that. I need hope right now. I need it. Last time I gave up hope I saw afterwards that it was a mistake, one that I don't want to make again. Must keep going. 


  1. Hang in there Liza. Good things take time. And Moscow will take a bit of organizing to make sure everything runs smoothly. I can be a bit the same sometimes, when the organisation doesn't go to plan or falls through, it seems easier to just give up. BUT! Don't you give up! It'll all work out and when you do finally get there you'll be so glad you stuck in there with the organisation and managed to straighten everything out. Don't you worry about NZ stuff at the mo, there'll still be flights, just hang in there with getting Moscow sorted.

  2. Hi :)
    I recently subscribed to your youtube channel and have now come here. Even though I feel like I'm *almost* recovered from my bulimia now, I still really like watching your videos and I'm wishing you the best of luck with your endevours to make this year ED free. Even though it feels scary at times it is worth it- plus you really deserve an awesome year in Moscow!
    I hate planning stuff (I'm so disorganised and always have the worst luck) but don't get too disheartened. After all, its better that you can deal with any hitches now in advance, right? I'm sure after being there for a little while things will gradually start to fall into place.
    Feel free to check out my blog too:
    (I'm from the UK too, and am soon going to be at uni at either Durham or York I hope!)
